Sunday, May 18, 2008

A TIP Well Worth Repeating!

***Please check here at this BLOG SITE for an almost daily week-day NOTE--of Inspiration & Direction--from Russ Michael....

***IN ADDITION, new BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here over week-ends:

Today--Sunday, May 18, 2008--"God On Earth Day"

Repetition--thus EMPHASIS aids a learning process, as all Mastor Mentors know. Thus even though I posted this TIP, here at this Russ Michel BLOG weeks before--I consider it appropriate, and well worth repeating--here in my blog,today--and I will re-post it in my continuing daily Michael Worldwide Newsletter--tomorrow--as well.

For anyone interested in enlightenment and ASCENSION, this is a TIP (about HEAVENLETTERS) well worth repeating!!


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I published this in my newsletter, and I want to share it with Heavenreaders as well
Posted April 25th, 2008 by Russ Michael

I jubilantly repeat, what I have oft said to all, after my first astounded reading of a heart warming, soul-filling HEAVENLETTER. The insightful spiritual insights presented to each and all of us readers--via each HEAVENLETTER--via this Creator God Source's humble messenger, is the very same subtle kind of info and process that our dear Fifth Dimensional Galactic Federation of Light will be teaching our teeming masses of billions on Earth - to bring everyone gently, but surely, up, up, up, into ever growing states of genuine spiritual awareness and perception.

How divinely blessed we are to have a day-after-day new "prescription"--offering us each a gentle, but much expanded perception--through brand new lenses daily! Bless dear steadfast, loving angelic sister - Gloria Wendroff - for what she has done daily--every single day, without exception--for nearly a whole decade.

WHAT a clear, impactful example of dedication to all of us enchanted and uplifted Lightworkers worldwide. Please acknowledge and support dear Gloria Wendroff--and her daily work--in every possible way you can perceive of...!! So be it!

Bless her magnificent wide-open heart and day-in, day-out shining, delightful spiritual work. Bless her heart. And bless us all. We are One. I am, Michael

Michael Worldwide Newsletter age-reversal [at] aon [dot] at &

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