Please check here for an almost daily week-day NOTE--of Inspiration & Direction-- from Russ Michael....'
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--'I am Grateful Day' - Saturday, April 26, 2008--
Russ Michael..... I am sending you this email in the hope that you may assist this effort to bring justice to this situation faster.... you may edit it any way you see fit... but please if you feel it would help the situation in any way in Texas...send this to your mailing they may at least feel they can take some type of positive physical action to assist the situation. You may want to post a small update on the story if you feel it is a good idea...try the salt lake times , since they have followed a reported this story fairly closely. or just go to this website which has the most accurate facts and (actual pictures of the case )
My reply....
Thanks - however except for prompted unusual circumstances I use space in my daily Michael Worldwide Newsletter--or in my occasional Message from Michael letter--to report uplifting and enlightening news. Though at heart, I am very much a social and political activist, my chosen and designated role in this lifetime 'to awaken, inspire and uplift' holds my steadfast and unbroken daily focus.
There are thousands of individuals like yourself who are also part of the WHOLE light grid ON OUR BLESSED EARTH and you--with them--must tend to the alerting of USA and world citizens to how and where they can support these much needed political and social changes....We are a powerful and effective team. All is well. We are One. SO KEEP ON KEEPING ON...
Bless us all. I am, Michael
Bless us all. I am Michael (listen to a new 3 minute podcast each week)
To Post a Message, Visit:
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
What Name Are You Giving This New Day?
Please check here for an almost daily week-day NOTE--of Inspiration & Direction-- from Russ Michael....'
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Thursday, April 24, 2008--What name are giving this new day? I called the gift of yesterday my " Super Health and Wealth Day" and I named today, my "Love in Action Day."
You are in for a wonderful surprise today! IF you have not yet read one of Gloria Wendroff's daily HEAVENLETTERS (one of which I post in my daily email Michael Worldwide Newsletter) you will be delighted! I suggest--you subscribe to the daily HEAVENLETTER newsletter, posted in the text. ENJOY.
3) Heavenletter - # 2697
Heavenletters™, bringing earth closer to Heaven.
God is always bringing us closer to Him
Once-in-a-Lifetime Day
Heavenletter # 2697 Published on: April 13, 2008
God Said:
You can take days off, yet you can't skip a day. For the present, there is no break from daily life. You can stay in bed. You can go into the forest. You can go on vacation, and yet each day comes and gets you. A day has great determination and constancy. No matter how you feel, no matter what you say or do, a day comes for you every time. Days are on tap, beloveds. Some may go fast, some slow, yet they always arrive for you to play in. All the days mean to be of service to you. They mean to wake you up in the morning and put you to bed at night.
Days are ever awake, even perky, with their bright sun greeting you. Days seem to need no rest. Yet you do. And yet there is no rest from daily life. Have you perhaps thought you must have a break? That you need a respite? Why would you believe you need to escape an innocent day and not be home when it comes? Why would this be, beloveds?
Have you perhaps had the idea that a day in life is something you have to face? Instead of thinking of a day as something to brace yourself for, will you wholeheartedly consider life as something to embrace? Honestly, life is not a courtroom, and you are not on trial. You do not need to fend off a day, defend yourself from it, avoid, calculate, nor push it away. Of course, you want to make life easier, more charming, more eventful or less eventful, or anything you want! The day is amenable to what you want. It is all for it. Tell the day what it is you want.
So, how can you make your days easier, more palatable, easier to digest? Easy does not mean boring, beloveds. Unless your day is something you look forward to with all your heart, then let's change how you regard and meet it. Do you agree that you have options? In whatever ways you have been interacting with your days, whatever you may have thought of them, there are other ways.
If you do not look forward to today or tomorrow or any day around the bend, then let's give your days some better press. Let's give them a chance to follow your ideas. Let your days in on your desires. Let's name your desires and your days! Let's name your days what you will them to be. Let's give your Once-in-a-Lifetime Day today attributes you would like!
Instead of calling today Another Day, for example, let's call it Super Day. Why not? You can name whatever you want. You can make a choice of days. Certainly, take your pick!
Day of Awakening. Day of Ease. Day of Beauty. Receiving Day. Day of All Good. Day of Goodness and Mercy. Day of Fun. Day of Good Cheer. Day of Peace. Charming Day. Best Ever Day. Blessing Day. Incredible Day. Beloved Day. Darling Day. Fantastic Day. Kindly Day. Nonattachment Day. Loving Day. Lucky Day. Hibiscus Day. Expansive Day. New Perception Day. Easy Day. Nourishing Day. Better Day. Only Wonderfulness Day, Beautiful Surprise Day. Loving Day. Day of Good Fortune, Delicious Day. Angelic Day. Dreams Come True Day. Day I've Been Waiting For Day. Perfect Day.
Are you starting to feel better already?
In every case, without exception, today is a Day of All Possibilities.
If you want a routine day, call it Routine Day.
If you want a happy day, call it Happy Day.
What will you name today?
Yes, yes, I understand, all that you desire may not come to pass today, and yet today will be more lively for you, and you have another chance tomorrow.
Gloria Wendroff, Overseer
The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries
703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556
Visit Subscribe to Heavenletters by the hat! Although Heavenletters are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, use as a signature, make bumper stickers, skywrite with them – whatever you like, and please include the Source! And, of course, do not charge for them!
We love to have new readers come to HeavenLetters through you.
Gloria writes:
What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It's kind of like I Ching! If you haven't tried this yet, click at my website. What message was yours today?!
I have posted a HEAVENLETTER daily in my newsletter for nearly two years and if you are also a subscriber to my newsletter, you get to read it about 10 days later, with all of the many key points presented highlighted, which adds a new dimension to them, as even Gloria herself, has said....
So what are you naming THIS new day in your life?
Bless us all. I am Michael (listen to a new 3 minute podcast each week)
To Post a Message, Visit:
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Thursday, April 24, 2008--What name are giving this new day? I called the gift of yesterday my " Super Health and Wealth Day" and I named today, my "Love in Action Day."
You are in for a wonderful surprise today! IF you have not yet read one of Gloria Wendroff's daily HEAVENLETTERS (one of which I post in my daily email Michael Worldwide Newsletter) you will be delighted! I suggest--you subscribe to the daily HEAVENLETTER newsletter, posted in the text. ENJOY.
3) Heavenletter - # 2697
Heavenletters™, bringing earth closer to Heaven.
God is always bringing us closer to Him
Once-in-a-Lifetime Day
Heavenletter # 2697 Published on: April 13, 2008
God Said:
You can take days off, yet you can't skip a day. For the present, there is no break from daily life. You can stay in bed. You can go into the forest. You can go on vacation, and yet each day comes and gets you. A day has great determination and constancy. No matter how you feel, no matter what you say or do, a day comes for you every time. Days are on tap, beloveds. Some may go fast, some slow, yet they always arrive for you to play in. All the days mean to be of service to you. They mean to wake you up in the morning and put you to bed at night.
Days are ever awake, even perky, with their bright sun greeting you. Days seem to need no rest. Yet you do. And yet there is no rest from daily life. Have you perhaps thought you must have a break? That you need a respite? Why would you believe you need to escape an innocent day and not be home when it comes? Why would this be, beloveds?
Have you perhaps had the idea that a day in life is something you have to face? Instead of thinking of a day as something to brace yourself for, will you wholeheartedly consider life as something to embrace? Honestly, life is not a courtroom, and you are not on trial. You do not need to fend off a day, defend yourself from it, avoid, calculate, nor push it away. Of course, you want to make life easier, more charming, more eventful or less eventful, or anything you want! The day is amenable to what you want. It is all for it. Tell the day what it is you want.
So, how can you make your days easier, more palatable, easier to digest? Easy does not mean boring, beloveds. Unless your day is something you look forward to with all your heart, then let's change how you regard and meet it. Do you agree that you have options? In whatever ways you have been interacting with your days, whatever you may have thought of them, there are other ways.
If you do not look forward to today or tomorrow or any day around the bend, then let's give your days some better press. Let's give them a chance to follow your ideas. Let your days in on your desires. Let's name your desires and your days! Let's name your days what you will them to be. Let's give your Once-in-a-Lifetime Day today attributes you would like!
Instead of calling today Another Day, for example, let's call it Super Day. Why not? You can name whatever you want. You can make a choice of days. Certainly, take your pick!
Day of Awakening. Day of Ease. Day of Beauty. Receiving Day. Day of All Good. Day of Goodness and Mercy. Day of Fun. Day of Good Cheer. Day of Peace. Charming Day. Best Ever Day. Blessing Day. Incredible Day. Beloved Day. Darling Day. Fantastic Day. Kindly Day. Nonattachment Day. Loving Day. Lucky Day. Hibiscus Day. Expansive Day. New Perception Day. Easy Day. Nourishing Day. Better Day. Only Wonderfulness Day, Beautiful Surprise Day. Loving Day. Day of Good Fortune, Delicious Day. Angelic Day. Dreams Come True Day. Day I've Been Waiting For Day. Perfect Day.
Are you starting to feel better already?
In every case, without exception, today is a Day of All Possibilities.
If you want a routine day, call it Routine Day.
If you want a happy day, call it Happy Day.
What will you name today?
Yes, yes, I understand, all that you desire may not come to pass today, and yet today will be more lively for you, and you have another chance tomorrow.
Gloria Wendroff, Overseer
The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries
703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556
Visit Subscribe to Heavenletters by the hat! Although Heavenletters are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, use as a signature, make bumper stickers, skywrite with them – whatever you like, and please include the Source! And, of course, do not charge for them!
We love to have new readers come to HeavenLetters through you.
Gloria writes:
What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It's kind of like I Ching! If you haven't tried this yet, click at my website. What message was yours today?!
I have posted a HEAVENLETTER daily in my newsletter for nearly two years and if you are also a subscriber to my newsletter, you get to read it about 10 days later, with all of the many key points presented highlighted, which adds a new dimension to them, as even Gloria herself, has said....
So what are you naming THIS new day in your life?
Bless us all. I am Michael (listen to a new 3 minute podcast each week)
To Post a Message, Visit:
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Secret of White Magic--The Science of the Soul
Please check here for an almost daily week-day NOTE--of Inspiration & Direction-- from Russ Michael....'
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Monday, April 22, 2008--Here is a little insight into this book, which if you are in the least bit interested in the subject of white magic--and why and how it works--you can obtain at my general website, where most of my current Russ Michael BLOCKBUSTER EBooks are listed...."The Secret of White Magic--The Science of the Soul" by Russ Michael
The idea that magic–white or black–exists in today’s ultra modern world may seem farfetched, but nevertheless magic does exist! I know because I am a conscious practitioner of white magic and I know many other white–and a few black–magicians in the world, past and present, who understand and use the Law or the principles of nature to produce magical effects in their very own world and in our collective Earth planetary environment.
Dr. Jonathan Stone --in his Foreword of this book wrote:
"Throughout all of history, there have been enlightened men and women who understood the knowledge contained in this book of light. That knowledge was guarded, lest it fall into the hands of those who might abuse it.
Now the secret veil has lifted from the “Mysteries” of time immemorial and all who have ears to hear and eyes to see may understand and know the Truth. What is the key to this Truth? It is that we are gods. We all have divinity within us. This is the “magic of the soul”. As we accept, understand, know and work with this wondrous power within us, we practice The Science of White Magic."
All is well.
Bless us all. I am Michael
To Post a Message, Visit:
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Monday, April 22, 2008--Here is a little insight into this book, which if you are in the least bit interested in the subject of white magic--and why and how it works--you can obtain at my general website, where most of my current Russ Michael BLOCKBUSTER EBooks are listed...."The Secret of White Magic--The Science of the Soul" by Russ Michael
The idea that magic–white or black–exists in today’s ultra modern world may seem farfetched, but nevertheless magic does exist! I know because I am a conscious practitioner of white magic and I know many other white–and a few black–magicians in the world, past and present, who understand and use the Law or the principles of nature to produce magical effects in their very own world and in our collective Earth planetary environment.
Dr. Jonathan Stone --in his Foreword of this book wrote:
"Throughout all of history, there have been enlightened men and women who understood the knowledge contained in this book of light. That knowledge was guarded, lest it fall into the hands of those who might abuse it.
Now the secret veil has lifted from the “Mysteries” of time immemorial and all who have ears to hear and eyes to see may understand and know the Truth. What is the key to this Truth? It is that we are gods. We all have divinity within us. This is the “magic of the soul”. As we accept, understand, know and work with this wondrous power within us, we practice The Science of White Magic."
All is well.
Bless us all. I am Michael
To Post a Message, Visit:
Saturday, April 19, 2008
What Are You Creating Today
Please check here for an almost daily week-day NOTE--of Inspiration & Direction-- from Russ Michael....'
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Saturday, April 19, 2008--Be assured that what surrounds you daily is really your own manifest world. What you see, sense--or do not see in your physical, mential or emitional reality--is of your own creation.
So thank Creator God Source for having the divine gift of free will choice.
Remember that what you give your focus or attention upon, by Law must grow within the life stream that you call your daily world, or your personal life on Earth. We each and all may use every seeming NEGATIVE condition as a golden springboard opportunity to transmute and 'ground' it as our own unique POSITIVE life expression, thus the rearrangement of our world as we choose to manifes it--in, through and around--us.
Make this another beautiful personal day filled with miracles...So be it.
Bless us all. I am Michael -
To Post a Message, Visit:
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Saturday, April 19, 2008--Be assured that what surrounds you daily is really your own manifest world. What you see, sense--or do not see in your physical, mential or emitional reality--is of your own creation.
So thank Creator God Source for having the divine gift of free will choice.
Remember that what you give your focus or attention upon, by Law must grow within the life stream that you call your daily world, or your personal life on Earth. We each and all may use every seeming NEGATIVE condition as a golden springboard opportunity to transmute and 'ground' it as our own unique POSITIVE life expression, thus the rearrangement of our world as we choose to manifes it--in, through and around--us.
Make this another beautiful personal day filled with miracles...So be it.
Bless us all. I am Michael -
To Post a Message, Visit:
Friday, April 18, 2008
A TIP on The Art of Forgiveness
Please check here for an almost daily week-day NOTE--of Inspiration & Direction-- from Russ Michael....'
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Friday, April 18, 2008--
Lady X asked me for advice on how to forgive both her husband and the lady that had a sexual tryst with him, and I replied:
Lady X,
You certainly need to let go of the past.
Here is a TIP.
Our UNIVERSE does not judge what is physically real and what is imagined. So simply take a moment of quite time alone, and imagine first, the ex lady friend of your husband, seat her in an imagined chair, be utterly sincere, and tell her you understand these things happen and you love the Goddess light within her and you totally forgive her, for the past is now gone and all is well in the Eternal Now.
KNOW this is as real as any other act in physicality can be....Give thanks for all your blessings...and the love you ARE AND EXPRESS to your dear husband or any and all you touch in life.
It is as simple as that.
Next, do the same with your husband, either in 3-d physicality, or in your imagination. FINALIZE IT, FOR YOUR HEALTH and well being, for the past is dead and gone--and only LOVE EXISTS IN REALITY, now or in any imagined future.
Be well and happy. Each day of humanly embodied life is a priceless gift. How are you spending it?
All is well.
Bless us all. I am Michael
To Post a Message, Visit:
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Friday, April 18, 2008--
Lady X asked me for advice on how to forgive both her husband and the lady that had a sexual tryst with him, and I replied:
Lady X,
You certainly need to let go of the past.
Here is a TIP.
Our UNIVERSE does not judge what is physically real and what is imagined. So simply take a moment of quite time alone, and imagine first, the ex lady friend of your husband, seat her in an imagined chair, be utterly sincere, and tell her you understand these things happen and you love the Goddess light within her and you totally forgive her, for the past is now gone and all is well in the Eternal Now.
KNOW this is as real as any other act in physicality can be....Give thanks for all your blessings...and the love you ARE AND EXPRESS to your dear husband or any and all you touch in life.
It is as simple as that.
Next, do the same with your husband, either in 3-d physicality, or in your imagination. FINALIZE IT, FOR YOUR HEALTH and well being, for the past is dead and gone--and only LOVE EXISTS IN REALITY, now or in any imagined future.
Be well and happy. Each day of humanly embodied life is a priceless gift. How are you spending it?
All is well.
Bless us all. I am Michael
To Post a Message, Visit:
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Pieces of the Puzzle Need to Fit
Please check here for an almost daily week-day NOTE--of Inspiration & Direction-- from Russ Michael....'
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Monday, April 17, 2008--
In a letter to Sonia, a reader of my book, "The Secret is No Secret Anymore" in Spanish, who wrote well in English, I said, "I cannot teach another in a few minutes what I have learned or realized over many decades, as we each must stretch, more and more, into our own great ABSOLUTE Truth of the One Reality."
i had sent a CC of my response to Pam Leach, Chief Editor for our Russ Michael BLOCKBUSTER Ebooks TEAM, and here was her interesting response to both Sonia and to myself...
"Well, Michael Russ ... that "you cannot teach another in a few minutes" is not entirely true as in the case of ME ... lol. There have been many, many instances of me taking a few minutes to understand what you meant by a particular sentence or paragraph in my role as editor (which in the case of you and several other lightworkers means translating to 3-D reality) that I have learned (relearned or remembered) immense amounts.
However, this is about Sonia. What is more important, in my experience, is that appears that Sonia has not yet received enough disparate pieces of information or pieces of the puzzle to make it complete. For me, I read, listen, learn ... but the true epiphany comes in the most unexpected ways--one sentence, phrase or even word--that supplies that last piece of the puzzle (the critical mass) that was needed to make all other pieces of information fit.
Many times I don't even know what I know until someone asks me a question. (Another unexpected way that an epiphany happens to me.) In fact, there have been several instances when I have been asked something that was addressed in a chapter just edited, or in that day's Heavenletter or whatever. When the question is asked, I know the answer!
You have Sonia good advise. Thoughts can't be changed--only redirected. Do you remember the book, Pollyanna? (One of my favorite childhood books.) The game she played to turn every negative into a positive--the find the good or the lesson. It works. And if I can do it (me who used to look for the gray cloud inside of each silver lining), anyone can.
Much love to you and love and light going out to Sonia as well.
All i well...
Bless us all. I am Michael
To Post a Message, Visit:
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Monday, April 17, 2008--
In a letter to Sonia, a reader of my book, "The Secret is No Secret Anymore" in Spanish, who wrote well in English, I said, "I cannot teach another in a few minutes what I have learned or realized over many decades, as we each must stretch, more and more, into our own great ABSOLUTE Truth of the One Reality."
i had sent a CC of my response to Pam Leach, Chief Editor for our Russ Michael BLOCKBUSTER Ebooks TEAM, and here was her interesting response to both Sonia and to myself...
"Well, Michael Russ ... that "you cannot teach another in a few minutes" is not entirely true as in the case of ME ... lol. There have been many, many instances of me taking a few minutes to understand what you meant by a particular sentence or paragraph in my role as editor (which in the case of you and several other lightworkers means translating to 3-D reality) that I have learned (relearned or remembered) immense amounts.
However, this is about Sonia. What is more important, in my experience, is that appears that Sonia has not yet received enough disparate pieces of information or pieces of the puzzle to make it complete. For me, I read, listen, learn ... but the true epiphany comes in the most unexpected ways--one sentence, phrase or even word--that supplies that last piece of the puzzle (the critical mass) that was needed to make all other pieces of information fit.
Many times I don't even know what I know until someone asks me a question. (Another unexpected way that an epiphany happens to me.) In fact, there have been several instances when I have been asked something that was addressed in a chapter just edited, or in that day's Heavenletter or whatever. When the question is asked, I know the answer!
You have Sonia good advise. Thoughts can't be changed--only redirected. Do you remember the book, Pollyanna? (One of my favorite childhood books.) The game she played to turn every negative into a positive--the find the good or the lesson. It works. And if I can do it (me who used to look for the gray cloud inside of each silver lining), anyone can.
Much love to you and love and light going out to Sonia as well.
All i well...
Bless us all. I am Michael
To Post a Message, Visit:
Book Reader Asks How Can It Be
Please check here for an almost daily week-day NOTE--of Inspiration & Direction-- from Russ Michael....'
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Wed. April 16, 2008--
I just read your book "Lo secreto ya no es secreto" a translation to spanish of "The Secret is no Secret Anymore". It was very interesting, but I would like to know how can I change my thoughts, because I have tried but it has been impossible. I know I have to, but I do not know how to do it. I am in a personal crisis and I have tried the exercises of your book without any positive result.
Besides, I did not understand why you say in chapter 13 that God is a direct son of Miguel Arcangel (an angel). How can it be possible?
SONIA, beloved soul,
Thanks for your note... First, instead of thinking about changing your thoughts, spend more time and effort in simply thinking of what you really want to think about and feel...and the old thoughts will no longer be "guests" in your conscious mind. You alone govern this process.
As to origins...A God of a Universe is a downline extension of The One Source, the One Creator of All That Is - of the Whole of ALL THAT IS...and IF you re-read the progression of UNFOLDMENT of All That Is, as you grow in stature, at some point within Eternity and Infinity, you too will be the Archangel of your own Universe where the Central God of Your Being will preside. Within the Eternal Now, your universe may be bigger than this Milky Way Galaxy--for no time or space limits exist in True Reality.
You already have a tiny, minature Central Sun within the heart of you, or you would not be alive....? But realize I cannot teach another in a few minutes what I have learned or realized over many decades, as we each must stretch, more and more, into our own great ABSOLUTE Truth of the One Reality.
Keep reeaching for greater comprehension and understanding...and what you seek you will find.
All is well.
Bless us all. I am Michael
To Post a Message, Visit:
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Wed. April 16, 2008--
I just read your book "Lo secreto ya no es secreto" a translation to spanish of "The Secret is no Secret Anymore". It was very interesting, but I would like to know how can I change my thoughts, because I have tried but it has been impossible. I know I have to, but I do not know how to do it. I am in a personal crisis and I have tried the exercises of your book without any positive result.
Besides, I did not understand why you say in chapter 13 that God is a direct son of Miguel Arcangel (an angel). How can it be possible?
SONIA, beloved soul,
Thanks for your note... First, instead of thinking about changing your thoughts, spend more time and effort in simply thinking of what you really want to think about and feel...and the old thoughts will no longer be "guests" in your conscious mind. You alone govern this process.
As to origins...A God of a Universe is a downline extension of The One Source, the One Creator of All That Is - of the Whole of ALL THAT IS...and IF you re-read the progression of UNFOLDMENT of All That Is, as you grow in stature, at some point within Eternity and Infinity, you too will be the Archangel of your own Universe where the Central God of Your Being will preside. Within the Eternal Now, your universe may be bigger than this Milky Way Galaxy--for no time or space limits exist in True Reality.
You already have a tiny, minature Central Sun within the heart of you, or you would not be alive....? But realize I cannot teach another in a few minutes what I have learned or realized over many decades, as we each must stretch, more and more, into our own great ABSOLUTE Truth of the One Reality.
Keep reeaching for greater comprehension and understanding...and what you seek you will find.
All is well.
Bless us all. I am Michael
To Post a Message, Visit:
Monday, April 14, 2008
Only The Body Is Dead--Your Loved One Lives
Please check here for an almost daily week-day NOTE--of Inspiration & Direction-- from Russ Michael....'
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Monday, April 14, 2008-- One of the wonderful volunteers, B.E., who performs pre-edit work on my books being completed for a FINAL WRAP, as a Russ Michael BLOCKBUSTER eBook, by Chief Editor, Pam Leach, wrote:
"Thank you for this.(My gift of a copy of the nicely stylized finished, PDF file copy of "Only The Body is Dead--Your Loved One Lives" eBook) It was especially meaningful to me as my precious daughter, J.K. died in 1990 at age 6 of a brain tumor. It took much grieving, growing to come to a peaceful place. Reading the Messages from Matthew were helpful and this wonderful book of yours, Michael are among the most helpful, healing words that I have read/heard. Blessings. B.E".
This new eBook of mine will soon be posted and available at my general eBook website: - so look for it there!
Have a great day where you are seeing and counting yuour blessings, filled with amazing and pleasing new miracles. Bless us all. I am, Michael
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Monday, April 14, 2008-- One of the wonderful volunteers, B.E., who performs pre-edit work on my books being completed for a FINAL WRAP, as a Russ Michael BLOCKBUSTER eBook, by Chief Editor, Pam Leach, wrote:
"Thank you for this.(My gift of a copy of the nicely stylized finished, PDF file copy of "Only The Body is Dead--Your Loved One Lives" eBook) It was especially meaningful to me as my precious daughter, J.K. died in 1990 at age 6 of a brain tumor. It took much grieving, growing to come to a peaceful place. Reading the Messages from Matthew were helpful and this wonderful book of yours, Michael are among the most helpful, healing words that I have read/heard. Blessings. B.E".
This new eBook of mine will soon be posted and available at my general eBook website: - so look for it there!
Have a great day where you are seeing and counting yuour blessings, filled with amazing and pleasing new miracles. Bless us all. I am, Michael
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Heart Logic Always Beats Mind Logic
Please check here for an almost daily week-day NOTE--of Inspiration & Direction-- from Russ Michael....'
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Monday, April 10, 2008--(***Share with friends--(GRIN))
In case you missed this article in my Michael Worldwide Newsletter yesterday (SMILE))
2) *_Only_**_ great minds_**_ can read this _*
TIP from Michael: read faster and every word will be seen and udtersnood in your mind. IF you get hung up trying to use the separative mind logic, instead of the whole heart logic, the meaning of a word is easily obscured. BLESS US ALL.
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* *
*Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. *
* *
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Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a
wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be
in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed
it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey
lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I
awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!*
***IT IS ALWAYS THE "whole" OF WHATEVER THAT COUNTS....not seeming chaoti placed "parts!"
***So if you see any of my typos, OR TYPOS OF OTHERS - from time to time, IN THE FUTURE--think of this article and KNOW, it really does not matter, for you have a heart that can clearly read THE MEANING between the lines!!
)))***Thanks to KOMAR, (Vernon Craig) a Ripleys, Believe it or Not--oft featured amazing Qigong feats Lightworker--for forwarding this to me....
To Post a Message, Visit:
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Monday, April 10, 2008--(***Share with friends--(GRIN))
In case you missed this article in my Michael Worldwide Newsletter yesterday (SMILE))
2) *_Only_**_ great minds_**_ can read this _*
TIP from Michael: read faster and every word will be seen and udtersnood in your mind. IF you get hung up trying to use the separative mind logic, instead of the whole heart logic, the meaning of a word is easily obscured. BLESS US ALL.
*fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too ** *
* *
*Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. *
* *
*i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at
Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a
wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be
in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed
it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey
lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I
awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!*
***IT IS ALWAYS THE "whole" OF WHATEVER THAT COUNTS....not seeming chaoti placed "parts!"
***So if you see any of my typos, OR TYPOS OF OTHERS - from time to time, IN THE FUTURE--think of this article and KNOW, it really does not matter, for you have a heart that can clearly read THE MEANING between the lines!!
)))***Thanks to KOMAR, (Vernon Craig) a Ripleys, Believe it or Not--oft featured amazing Qigong feats Lightworker--for forwarding this to me....
To Post a Message, Visit:
Believe it or Not,
Monday, April 7, 2008
Change All LIFE For Better in 68 Seconds of Focus
Please check here for an almost daily week-day NOTE--of Inspiration & Direction-- from Russ Michael....'
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Monday, April 7, 2008--My subject is YOUR focus. The two 'quotes' by Abraham-- who has been teaching the genuine TRUTH within and behind "the secret"--is posted in the Click here...segment of my occasional Message from Michael letter to my thousands of worldwide subscribers.
***PUT 68-seconds of pure focus--on whatever you desire! See current corrupt USA regime out...with temporarily appointed new spiritual regime--and a jubilant public announcement that all is well on Earth...troops coming home - E.T. Galactic neighbors landing and giving us needed non-polluting energy tech help and helping us clean up our dear Mother Earth.
"If you can cross the 68 second mark - now that is just over a minute of pure con-contradicted, non-diluted thought it is equivalent to over 2 million action hours."
***If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life. If there was nothing else that you ever came to understand other than just look for things to appreciate, it's the only tool you would ever need to predominantly hook you up with who you really are. That's all you'd need. --- Abraham "
***Isn't this vitally important knowledge to know, use and to remember for ever?
What is important is that we each digest, understand and use this info to create our now final Golden Age on Earth, as we individually and collectively desire it.... So be it.
Bless us all. I am Michael
To Post a Message, Visit:
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Monday, April 7, 2008--My subject is YOUR focus. The two 'quotes' by Abraham-- who has been teaching the genuine TRUTH within and behind "the secret"--is posted in the Click here...segment of my occasional Message from Michael letter to my thousands of worldwide subscribers.
***PUT 68-seconds of pure focus--on whatever you desire! See current corrupt USA regime out...with temporarily appointed new spiritual regime--and a jubilant public announcement that all is well on Earth...troops coming home - E.T. Galactic neighbors landing and giving us needed non-polluting energy tech help and helping us clean up our dear Mother Earth.
"If you can cross the 68 second mark - now that is just over a minute of pure con-contradicted, non-diluted thought it is equivalent to over 2 million action hours."
***If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life. If there was nothing else that you ever came to understand other than just look for things to appreciate, it's the only tool you would ever need to predominantly hook you up with who you really are. That's all you'd need. --- Abraham "
***Isn't this vitally important knowledge to know, use and to remember for ever?
What is important is that we each digest, understand and use this info to create our now final Golden Age on Earth, as we individually and collectively desire it.... So be it.
Bless us all. I am Michael
To Post a Message, Visit:
Sunday, April 6, 2008
We Create Our DREAM Reality
Daily personal NOTE from Michael:
CHECK HERE for a week-day NOTE--of Daily Inspiration & Direction-- from Russ Michael....
***new BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles--posted--on week-ends:
Today--Sunday, April 6, 2008--
I do not know if this is the email address ( ) to contact you at but... (***YES)
I have been visited by the "Bad" ET's. I work with a man to guide me with enhancing my energy and trying to protect it. The ET's one night, which I saw/heard the tail end of, drained me of my energy. (I woke up fast, saw streaming trail of colors, like the comics when something moves fast. I also heard a whooooose of air going past me. I was also on by back and I never sleep on my back.)
If they are not allowed to interfere with us then why were they allowed here?
From your 'Michael newsletter' on 4-4-8:
"They also wish to witness your advancement as you rise up with your physical body, and the changes to it that allow it to happen. You are truly attracting much attention, but none are allowed to interfere with the process taking place."
I am just concerned as to how they are allowed to drain me? I had the "feeling" that they do not want me to do what I am supposed to be able to do? I am not a person, yet, that can 'feel' things, but I do get "hits" about things.
Any info. on this? Much appreciated,
Beloved J.,
This quote from my daily Newsletter refers to entire E.T. civilizations who are observing us now from deep outer space of our Earth.
Do understand that that what you experience in the dream state - while out of the body - and immersed in a lower level of the astral plane has nothing to do with our Galactic E.T. Neighbors - who do NOT frequent those lower astral levels --that you and I can--during our sleep state.
Realize, we create our own daily or nightly dream reality....IF you are surfing lower levelS of the astral plane during your sleep, you will of course encounter the astral illusion of monsters, vampires, or whatever you can imagine. Best thing is to consciously keep your energy and thoughts high before falling asleep, feel love and gratitude for CREATION, or whatever, as that will allow you to enter the igher waves of the astral level during your sleep a a more rapid frequency vibration rate level...where these demonic forces cannot exist....
All is well.
If you are on my subscriber list or blog list member, my Webmaster offers the following HALF PRICE book you can buy CHOCOLATE FOR HEALTH at half the price: "Here is a coupon code for 50% off any purchase at our shopping cart....half08
Limited to the first 100 friends who purchase from our web site."
Bless us all. I am Michael
To Post a Message, Visit:
CHECK HERE for a week-day NOTE--of Daily Inspiration & Direction-- from Russ Michael....
***new BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles--posted--on week-ends:
Today--Sunday, April 6, 2008--
I do not know if this is the email address ( ) to contact you at but... (***YES)
I have been visited by the "Bad" ET's. I work with a man to guide me with enhancing my energy and trying to protect it. The ET's one night, which I saw/heard the tail end of, drained me of my energy. (I woke up fast, saw streaming trail of colors, like the comics when something moves fast. I also heard a whooooose of air going past me. I was also on by back and I never sleep on my back.)
If they are not allowed to interfere with us then why were they allowed here?
From your 'Michael newsletter' on 4-4-8:
"They also wish to witness your advancement as you rise up with your physical body, and the changes to it that allow it to happen. You are truly attracting much attention, but none are allowed to interfere with the process taking place."
I am just concerned as to how they are allowed to drain me? I had the "feeling" that they do not want me to do what I am supposed to be able to do? I am not a person, yet, that can 'feel' things, but I do get "hits" about things.
Any info. on this? Much appreciated,
Beloved J.,
This quote from my daily Newsletter refers to entire E.T. civilizations who are observing us now from deep outer space of our Earth.
Do understand that that what you experience in the dream state - while out of the body - and immersed in a lower level of the astral plane has nothing to do with our Galactic E.T. Neighbors - who do NOT frequent those lower astral levels --that you and I can--during our sleep state.
Realize, we create our own daily or nightly dream reality....IF you are surfing lower levelS of the astral plane during your sleep, you will of course encounter the astral illusion of monsters, vampires, or whatever you can imagine. Best thing is to consciously keep your energy and thoughts high before falling asleep, feel love and gratitude for CREATION, or whatever, as that will allow you to enter the igher waves of the astral level during your sleep a a more rapid frequency vibration rate level...where these demonic forces cannot exist....
All is well.
If you are on my subscriber list or blog list member, my Webmaster offers the following HALF PRICE book you can buy CHOCOLATE FOR HEALTH at half the price: "Here is a coupon code for 50% off any purchase at our shopping cart....half08
Limited to the first 100 friends who purchase from our web site."
Bless us all. I am Michael
To Post a Message, Visit:
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Can't Live Without Your Newsletters
Please check here for an almost daily week-day NOTE--of Inspiration & Direction-- from Russ Michael....'
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Monday, April 3, 2008--is a great day to express gratitude. I receive these kind of expressions of gratitude from one or more of my subscribers to my Michael Worldwide Newsletter almost daily. Perhaps YOU could help me to expand my subscription list? That is how a Circle of Light grows and grows.
Here is what B.A. wrote:
Dear Russ,
I have not received your e.mail newsletter for a few days and miss it terribly. Can't live without it! Please could you make sure that I am still on the list. Thank you so much, so appreciate everything you do!
Many blessings,
Will you kindly introduce others to my newsletters,to my blog and to my BLOCKBUSTER books. I am and will be ever very grateful for that.
.... So be it.
Bless us all. I am Michael
To Post a Message, Visit:
***New BLOCKBUSTER Russ Michael articles are often posted here on week-ends:
Today--Monday, April 3, 2008--is a great day to express gratitude. I receive these kind of expressions of gratitude from one or more of my subscribers to my Michael Worldwide Newsletter almost daily. Perhaps YOU could help me to expand my subscription list? That is how a Circle of Light grows and grows.
Here is what B.A. wrote:
Dear Russ,
I have not received your e.mail newsletter for a few days and miss it terribly. Can't live without it! Please could you make sure that I am still on the list. Thank you so much, so appreciate everything you do!
Many blessings,
Will you kindly introduce others to my newsletters,to my blog and to my BLOCKBUSTER books. I am and will be ever very grateful for that.
.... So be it.
Bless us all. I am Michael
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